Changning shale gas field
The CSF is suitated in the southern Sichuan Basin and ranks as one of the largest unconventional shale gas reservoirs in China (Fig. 1a) (Zou et al., 2022). Over 550 horizontal wells targeting the Wufeng-Longmaxi (W-L) marine shale formation have been completed since commercial production commenced in 2013 (Figs. 1, 2), yielding an annual production of ~ 6.5 billion m^3 in 2022. Since systematic seismic monitoring started in 2015, the number of moderate to strong earthquakes in the CSF has increased dramatically, including 2 damaging M>5 events, 21 M≥4, and more than 90 M≥3 earthquakes (Li et al., 2023). In May 2023, a sequence of four M4+ earthquakes struck the east of CSF within 3 days, further raising concerns about induced seismic hazard in this region
Sep 20, 2024